Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Buffy's 7th Birthday

Buffy just turned 7 years old and I keep asking myself how is it possible? It really does seem like yesterday when I woke up in the middle of the night with major labor pains and got ready to go to the hospital. I remember being overwhelmingly happy and excited to meet my first born. I remember giving birth to her was so easy, painless, and quick that I was thinking, "this is it?". She couldn't wait a second longer to be born. Flashforward seven years later, she's is so grown up and has brought so much joy and love into our lives. Very smart, outgoing and just loves life. So excited about everything. She loves to learn and is very creative. She loves her sibblings and is the best big sister to her baby brother Chad. Some mornings, she would get up, get Chad out of the crib and feeds him breakfast before I get up!!! She can play the piano for Family Home Evening. I am so proud of her, I am most proud of her having such a kind and loving heart towards others. Cannot ask for a better first born. I love so much Buffy Girl.

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