Saturday, July 31, 2010

Chloe Turned 6

Little Pet Shop Cake Chloe decorated herself.

Chloe and friends

Swinging good time

So happy to be at Disneyland

My brother nick named Chloe, ChloExist because she is the sweetest and kindest little girl. Her sweet spirit brings so much love to our family. For her birthday, Chloe wanted to have a swimming party with all her friends. One of the friends she wanted to invite was in her kindergarden class and this friend is in a wheel chair. I told her that I don't think that would be a good idea because since it is a swimming party her friend would not have a good time watching everyone else swim. She thought about it for a minute then looked up at me with her big doey eyes and told me that she doesn't want to have a swimming party for her birthday because she wants to make sure ALL her friends will have a good time. We love our Chloe and are so thankful for her love and kindness.

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